For sixteen generations, the Morita Family has created sake with its unique signature, passing down precious wisdom from father to son.
JOE MORITA is a celebration of 350 years of sake making heritage.
With a new impetus.
An opportunity to keep innovating, going beyond the usual sake experience and challenging the craft. JOE MORITA was born from this abstraction and has evolved to become this reality.
Still hand crafted with dedication and passion, JOE MORITA answers to the call of producing the next generation sake; a sake that is best paired with international cuisines, naturally enhancing the depth and dimension of food flavors.
Traditional sake is made from rice, rice yeast (koji) and water. After years of experimentation and reimagining what sake could be, JOE MORITA was created using rice, a particular rice yeast blend and an infusion of natural exotic spices.
The result is a truly unique drinking experience that complements and enhances international gastronomy.
JOE MORITA. Achieving the quest to marry authenticity with an innovative and modern style sake.
JOE MORITA sake is incomparable and unlike any other drinking experience.
From the warm hue and enticing aromas, right through to the fresh spicy finish, global customers will know they are first to sample something completely new.
JOE MORITA was innovated in Japan and crafted with one purpose: to be the ultimate companion to the very best of Asian and international cuisines.
It achieves this by creatively using a unique rice yeast blend to minimize the sweetness of traditional sake that tends to compete with food flavours, and then further infusing this with natural exotic spices (cinnamon; cardamon; and others).
The spices work in perfect harmony with food whilst naturally cleansing the palate to achieve the best dining experience possible.
“JOE MORITA builds on thousands of years of sake tradition and has successfully created a next generation sake that is truly deserving of being an integral part of the very best dining experiences around the world.”